Wauwatosa Historical Society Board

Our Board of Directors is dedicated to upholding the mission of our organization. With unwavering commitment, they guide our strategic direction, ensure accountability, and drive us towards achieving our goals. Their invaluable leadership and passion are instrumental in making a meaningful impact in our community.

Executive Board

President: Peggy Rooney

Vice President, Development: Open

Vice President, Education: Carol Bannen

Vice President, Marketing, Meg Miller

Secretary: Christiane Toye

Treasurer: Bryan Stutzki

Board of Directors

Maureen Badding

John Goudie

Taylor Pokrop

Tom Reznicek

Devin Schuckert

Patrick Witt

Emeritus Board Member: Kathy Causier


Our dedicated staff members are the driving force behind execution of our mission and the day-to-day operations of our organization.

Amanda Saso, Executive Director

Amy Johnson, Membership & Financials Coordinator

The Wauwatosa Historical Society does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, religion, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, disability, age or military status.